Create a backup account

Allows you to create an account as you would from the backup console administration tab. The difference is that using Rozina you will be able to create accounts descending from an existing account (as using the administration interface) but also root accounts.

Root account

To create a root account:

    arx-account create < account_name> --servers=server1,server2,...


    arx-account create < account_name> --password=< password> --servers=server1,server2,...

If you do not specify the password, it will be asked during the account creation.

Server names are separated by a comma and must be accessible when the account is created.

The machine used to create the account will be used as the main storage server.

Descending account

To create a descending account from an existing account:

    arx-account create < account_name>


    arx-account create < account_name> --password=< password>

If you do not specify the password, it will be asked during the account creation.

By default, the servers used by the account will be the same than the parent account's servers.

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